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Streams of Mercy

A special moment in our worship service yesterday marked the retirement of one of our members, after twenty-five years of military service. In her career she achieved the rank of Lt. Colonel – quite an honor! She was celebrated at Ft. Bragg on Friday, and on this day, her church family surrounded her with love and this prayer was offered:

Gracious God, we come to you giving thanks for our dear friend’s

many years of faithful service to this nation, and for the lasting

contributions she has made through sharing her experience and

wisdom with those who will follow her.

We pray your continued blessing on her in this next chapter

of her life. Be with her as she searches for new paths and

explores new horizons. May she be blessed with friends and

family to share the journey ahead with her. Keep her strong in

body, mind and spirit. Open new doors of service that will bring

her joy and will make a lasting difference in our world.

We give thanks that she is a part of our church family, and ask

that you will use us to bless and to encourage one another as we

live together in this corner of your kingdom. For all that has been

and for all that is yet to be, we give you thanks. Amen.

Later in the day I recalled a prayer for retirement found in the book, To Bless the Spaces Between Us. This has much to say to her and to all who are retiring as well.

For Retirement

This is where your life has arrived,

after all the years of effort and toil;

Look back with graciousness and thanks

on all your great and quiet achievements.

You stand on the shore of new invitation

to open your life to what is left undone;

Let your heart enjoy a different rhythm,

when drawn to the wonder of other horizons.

Have the courage for a new approach to time;

allow it to slow until you find freedom

To draw alongside the mystery you hold,

and befriend your own beauty of soul.

Now is the time to enjoy your heart’s desire,

To live the dreams you’ve waited for,

To awaken the depths beyond your work,

And enter into your infinite source.

God bless and keep you always, dear friend.

Giving thanks for those streams of mercy, carrying us through this life to the life to come.




How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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