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Streams of Mercy

Hymns are such an important part of worship, supporting the themes of the day, touching hearts and stirring memories. While we all have our old, old favorites, it’s important to be open to new hymns, for they too bring a blessing.

Carolyn Winfrey Gillette writes beautiful hymn texts and sets them to familiar tunes, so we’re able to sing new thoughts with familiar notes! She considers this her special calling in ministry, and I’ve been blessed by her works again and again.

This coming Sunday’s gospel passage is Luke 16:19 -31, the story of the rich man and Lazarus. Gillette wrote this beautiful hymn text for the passage.

Outside My Gate, Outside My Door

Outside my gate, outside my door,

is someone there who's lost or poor?

Is someone there I do not see —

that I walk by — who has a need?

Is there a child who longs for care?

An older friend who needs a prayer?

Someone who seeks a helping hand?

A refugee new to this land?

Outside our church, is someone near

who cries in pain, who lives in fear?

Is someone close who has no way

to buy the food she needs this day?

Some gates are made of wood or stone,

And some are made of sin alone.

Some doors are made of greed and pride;

they also keep the poor outside.

As we look out, Christ, may we see

our common, shared humanity.

May we kneel down and serve you more

outside our gate, outside our door.

There’s so much need outside our “gates” and outside our “doors.” May God help us to see and hear and to respond to the need around us. I’m thankful for Gillette’s beautiful thoughts and pray they’ll find their way into our hearts.




How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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