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Streams of Mercy

I came across this beautiful Anniversary Prayer for 9/11, by the Rev. Jill Duffield, former editor of the Presbyterian Outlook, now serving a church in Greensboro. I shared these comforting and healing words in worship yesterday, and share it again today as we reflect on that day 21 years ago.

Anniversary Prayer for 9/11

God of grace and God of glory, on this anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, grant us the wisdom to remember the lessons from that tragic day that make us more Christ-like. Drive away from us any vengeful urges, any hate-filled sentiment, any whisper from within or without that goads us to return evil for evil.

As we look back and recall where we were, who was with us and how we felt that fateful day, may those vivid memories compel us to acts of kindness, words of love and demonstrations of community.

As the world still heaves with violence, and war seems to never end, assure us, Prince of Peace, that ultimately crying and mourning will be no more. In the midst of suffering, our own and that of the world, speak again, Creator God, your Word of life and its goodness.

As we consider that fall day years ago, grant us the ability to cling to the examples of goodness that emerged out of the horror: strangers banding together to help one another, people lining up to donate blood, congregations opening their doors to offer respite for anyone and everyone, people offering comfort and care to those they knew and those they’d never met.

May these acts of mercy be the ripple that reverberates through history, revealing your sure power to bring redemption, reconciliation and resurrection out of the depths of death and despair.

When we mark anniversaries of sorrow, corporately or alone, may they be occasions to discern what truly matters, let go of what really doesn’t and recognize your grace, Almighty God, that pervades it all. In the name of Jesus, the light of the world, the Prince of Peace, the Good Shepherd, our friend and our helper, we pray. Amen.

I give thanks for the ministry of Jill Duffield and for the gifts of her words to bring comfort and healing and hope.




How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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