Streams of Mercy
Two weeks ago today, I had surgery for total knee replacement. I found myself labeled a “Medicare Outpatient Bundle,” going home from the hospital the same day as surgery, with directions for Physical Therapy on my own at home. Two weeks down the road, x-rays show everything is correctly in place and the doctors say all is well, just to keep on keeping on, moving forward. I’m hoping to do just that! “Motion is lotion!” is my mantra these days!
This adventure has been a family affair, with children and grandchildren coming and going, and the church family ever near. I’m maneuvering around my recently re-arranged house on a walker and hope soon to graduate to a cane. My daughters have my house cleaner that it has been in years- they even got the cobwebs I’d been ignoring. An online video guided the changing of a very flat tire, even though I wouldn’t be using my car any time soon! A flower bed suited to carport life is now in place. My son has become an expert at changing ice packs, as well as accompanying me to medical appointments out of town, and two dear church members I call “Team Love” get me to and from surgery follow-up appointments. My grandchildren found a second recliner (a $15 Thrift Store special!), a padded pillow to support my wounded knee and even a stool to help with exercises. Pizza and Star Wars movies with my oldest grandson has been a bright spot in this time at home.
My refrigerator is stocked with many foods I don’t even recognize, and folks are coming and going leaving fresh peaches, homemade ice cream and other treats to tempt my puny appetite! While I still think of a microwave a something “new”, I see strange new appliances on my kitchen counters – InstaPots and Air Fryers. My fruit bowl is now home to a number of avacados; plant butter is in my refrigerator beside Lactose Free Milk. Ah, the new things one generation can teach another. The freezer is crowded by a number of ice packs to rotate throughout the day for my comfort. Parts that aren’t comforted by ice packs enjoy the warmth of a good old heating pad!
Even my bathroom has new features – a shower chair, a raised potty seat, and a hand-held shower. In the soap tray is a drawstring washcloth with its very own bar of soap inside – no more chasing a runaway slippery soap ….. and garbage cans and wastebaskets throughout the house have extra bags in the bottom so save steps when changing. Now why didn’t I think of that?
Even television has been updated – anything I could dream of wanting to watch is available anytime I want to watch it. ( I remember waiting and waiting for Sesame Street to come on at 4 each afternoon, to delight my children, and to give their weary mother a break!) Lady and the Tramp, Charlotte’s Web, Up, and other old favorites are a pleasant diversions, especially when watching with a four year old great grandson. He counts as I do my exercises and always high-fives me for a job well done. He also kisses my “boo-boo” from time to time throughout the day. By the way, those exercises are much more pleasant when accompanied by John Denver music.
We play a new generation of games throughout the day. Zingo is a new favorite, as well as Go Diego Go, 1,2,3- a wonderful game where you help each other and everyone is a winner! Mr. and Mrs. Potato head look a bit out of place with all the Pokemons gathered round. “Emmett” and “Grammy” rocks, discovered in the driveway, now have a special place in our hearts and our homes. We planted Zinnias and made donuts and encouraged each other through the early days of this great adventure.
Now I’m on my own – the children and grandchildren back to their homes and their busy, busy lives. I find myself giving thanks for all the ways family, church family and friends made these first weeks of recovery so special. I give thanks, too, for those streams of mercy, carrying us through every experience of life, into all that lies ahead.
Praying Isaiah 35:13 on this two week anniversary of surgery: “Strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble knees.”