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Streams of Mercy

At our last Session meeting we read this poem and reflected on our understanding of “Providence.” God’s providence is God’s caring provision for his people as he guides them in their journey of faith through life, accomplishing his purpose in them.

As we reflect on our lives, we can see “God’s providence and grace at work in the fabric of our lives.” How important it is to spend time in reflection, to see how God has been at work through all our “deciding, planning, wishing … through doors opened and at doors closed … and our best-laid plans and worst-kept secrets.”


God of our life –

God of all our becoming




fear-full years –

When we look back

through all our deciding, planning, wishing

through doors opened, at doors closed,

best-laid plans and worst-kept secrets

how can we deny Your providence and grace

at work in the fabric of our lives?

… How can we look back

and not see haunting traces of your grace,

and trust in your providential plan

for each special life

even ours. Amen.

from Better Than Nice and Other Unconventional Prayers by Frederick Ohler

As we look back on our lives, may we see “haunting traces of God’s grace” and trust in “God’s providential plan for each special life – even ours.”




How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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