Streams of Mercy
As Jesus is preparing his disciples for life without his physical presence among them, he speaks again and again of LOVE. “ A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this will all people know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 14:34-35) As Eastertide draws to a close with Jesus’s ascension into heaven, we’re reminded again and again of his call to LOVE.
In a recent denominational news release, The Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett, president and executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, discussed the denomination’s future, next month’s General Assembly, and what it will take for Presbyterians to remain faithful to God’s call.
“I think we as a church have to learn how to love again,” Nelson says … “not have big barns or the building of great temples … Are we willing to give of ourselves and of the church, even at the risk of losing the church? I think that’s the kind of love that’s required.”
Moffett added, “Jesus never shied away from controversy. He stood his ground. He never said, ‘Oh, this is too much.’ Instead, he said ‘I’m seeing you devour your widows’ houses. I’m seeing how your laws are exploiting people.’ He called it out, and he called it out in such a way not to condemn, but that the world could wake up to a new possibility … God’s kingdom or kin-dom.”
“Jesus kept making people mad. He kept saying things people did not want to hear, which angered the Pharisees and the Sadducees,” Nelson said. “Take off those robes and do what you need to do for the sake of faith in God. We have to learn how to do that without throwing the towel down, walking out the door, slamming the door, calling folks names and saying, ‘I’m out of here.’ This is not Christian, and it’s not a part of what our faith is all about … It’s not the time to walk away and quit the church. It’s time to come back and equip the church to understand even more.”
They shared the words of a hymn for Matthew 25 churches in the PC(USA)
Jesus, be with us.
Help us each day
to follow the gospel
and live as we pray.
Send us your Spirit
and show us your way.
Jesus, be with us today.
May we as a PCUSA family, join together in singing that song to the glory of God, and for the good of our greater human family.