Streams of Mercy
A Prayer for Ukraine, by Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett, Presbyterian Mission Agency: God of Peace and Justice, You love all your children who dwell on earth. Have mercy we pray, on those who now suffer the miseries of a war not of their own making. Have compassion on the wounded and dying; comfort the broken-hearted, confound the hatred of those who make war; guide our governments, bring war to an end, bring peace across the world. We hold before you all who live close to the war and conflict – soldiers in battle. Mothers in despair. Fathers in disarray. Children in dread of the sirens and sounds that signal violence and destruction. Young adults. Older citizens. Families members. Friends. Co-workers. Colleagues – counsel them. Speak to them in the way that only you can, comfort them with the hope of peace, guide them towards justice. We pray for leaders of all countries involved in this war, we ask you to transform the mind and touch their hearts. Cause all those who govern, especially those in Russia and Ukraine, to seek to lead in the way of peace. Amen.
Giving thanks for those streams of mercy, never ceasing.