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Streams of Mercy

The week after Easter is a quiet week, for the most part. The lectionary moves quickly to resurrection appearances Easter evening and the following Sunday, and we share the good news!

Earth Day was Friday, April 22, and I decided to share about this in the Children’s Time. Our world globe, used for telling the monthly mission story was marked with a large red heart, and we talked about how God created and loved the world “God so loved the world …” The children named things God created – stars, animals, trees, oceans, rivers, people, fruits, and on and on. I shared with the children that one mission God gives to us is to care for the earth in all the ways we can. We spoke of recycling, reusing, picking up trash, not being wasteful, keeping rivers and streams clean, and always being open to learning new ways of caring for creation.

Presbyterians for Earth Care has prepared many materials for worship and study and encourages congregations to become “Earth Care Congregations.” Hopefully a program related to Earth Care/Earth Day will be planned for one of our Summer Sabbath gatherings. As one poster shares: “Every Day is Earth Day….Earth Day is Every Day.” All of us have much to learn about caring for the earth!

On the desk in my office I have a little wooden arrow with these words: “Life is all about how you handle Plan B” “Plan Bs” are the plans we face when our “Plan As” don’t’ work out. I came across a poster with the Earth on it and these words: “There is no Plan-et B” - a deeply truthful and sobering thought.

A Prayer for Earth Day Every Day

Gracious Giver of all Life: Help us hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor as one cry, unified, amplified. May we hear the cry of your creation calling out to be seen from every corner that we might be moved from indifference to compassion, domination to collaboration, from ‘mastery over’ to harmonious coexistence. Amen.

May we help each other to learn more about caring for all of creation.




How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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