Streams of Mercy
Easter Monday is always a quiet day for me – a time of reflection in the “afterglow” of Easter joy! This day is filled with memories of special times shared on Easter day.
Here in Jackson Springs, we shared the joy of greeting the risen Christ at sunrise with our neighbors; the candles of Easter Joy and Resurrection were burning brightly; a special Bunny talked with our children, reminding them that Jesus loves “all the little bunnies of the world,” and shared special treats; we were blessed to hear “The Holy City” and were lead into the heart of God; wonderful organ music undergirded each act of worship with beauty, and the worship space was filled with lilies in memory and in honor of loved ones. We received the “One Great Hour of Sharing Offering” and our children brought their coin-filled “fish banks” as their special part. The bare wooden cross was transformed as we “flowered the cross” during the opening hymn. Again and again, we shared the Easter greeting: “Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!”
The poems “Easter” and “The Glory,” by Ann Weems, celebrate the day:
Just when I thought
there would be no more light
in the Jerusalem sky,
the Bright and Morning Star
and the darkness has not overcome it. …
The silence breaks into morning.
That One Star lights the world.
The lily springs to life and
Not even Solomon …
Let it begin with singing
and never end!
Oh, angels, quit your lamenting!
Oh, pilgrims,
upon your knees in tearful prayer,
rise up
and take your hearts
and run!
We who were no people
are named anew
God’s people,
for he who was no more
is forevermore.
“Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!”