Streams of Mercy
Prayer for 4th Sunday in Lent
Great and loving God, whose giving knows no ending, in a world that ever changes, we give thanks for all that is constant and unchanging – for the witness of scripture and the means of grace; for the bonds of faith and the hope of the gospel; for the church’s one foundation, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Meet us where we are on life’s journey this day. Help us to find what we’ve lost in our years of living. Redeem our past and help us to live fully in the present. Call us to new life in areas that are troubled and broken and wounded. Change our hearts, Lord. Open them to the needs of others, and use us as instruments of your love and grace wherever we are.
As the world faces growing concern in every area of life from day to day, use us to bear witness to your peace. As the daily headlines announce bad news, use us to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. As our communities wrestle with pressing social issues, help us to re-imagine our world in ways that help the new thing you are doing come to pass. As so many grow weary and worried, use us to bring relief and hope.
Lord, pour out your care on those devastated by storms and fires and floods. Wrap in love your children who cry out for all they have lost and cannot imagine living without. Grant your strength to your prophets speaking the truth in love to many as yet unable to hear it. Give your peace that passes understanding to those overwhelmed and anxious and fearful of what tomorrow might bring.
Keep us mindful of our connection to the rest of our human family, and lead us to work together to make life better for our brothers and sisters in every land. Help us to trust where we cannot see; to know that you are at work in all the struggle, difficulty and uncertainty of life, to make all thing new. Amen.