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Streams of Mercy

Sometimes prayers speak to our hearts in times when sermon seem to miss the mark. May these words find a home in our hearts this day after Christmas Day.

Prayer for the First Sunday of Christmas

O God, whose love blesses and unites us in this time and place, we come before you with hearts gladdened by this holy season- its lights, its colors, its music, and its message of peace and good will to all. To us a child is born, to us a son is given, and we give you thanks and praise.

In the birth of Jesus, you have given our weary and struggling world a reason to rejoice; in the cry of an infant, you have given hope to all who cry; by the light of a star you have helped us find our way again.

We thank you that in Jesus, you have made yourself known to us, and have called us to join you in the continuing creation of a world where the words of the prophet are fulfilled: where lion and lamb lie down together, and justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Create in us, O God, hearts devoted to shaping such a world. Bless those for whom such a world seems only a distant dream – the poor and imprisoned; those who are ill or lonely or grieving; those suffering beyond our notice on the fringes of this life. Hasten the coming of that day, when the good news of great joy will be a reality in all of creation.

In the light of Christmas, we are all one family- adopted children of God who created us. Lord, show us how to live and share the good news we proclaim. Grant that those whose lives we touch may hear in our words, and see in our actions, that truly we love you, and that you are merciful and gracious and abounding in steadfast love.

Help us to deal with our differences in loving ways, that welcome and include, so that all may find a place at the table and a sense of belonging as brothers and sisters in the family of God.

Come to each of us where we are, and how we are, and at our points of deepest need, be Emmanuel, God-with-us. Do the work of Christmas in each of our lives. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

God in love and mercy has come to be God-with-us in Jesus Christ – not a Christmas present, but the gift of Christmas presence – Emmanuel, God-with -us, forever more.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

“May God’s love always bless you,

God’s joy always fill you;

God’s presence always keep you

close to all that is good!” (an Irish Blessing)




How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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