Streams of Mercy
Many folks speak of having trouble sleeping these days. We’re weary with the continuing changes in all of life, and worried about how everything will work out and how and when. Worries seem bigger and our resources to deal with them don’t seem enough in the evenings.
As children we learned to say, “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, and when the morning sun breaks through, help me to find loving things to do.” - that was my family’s version. We also sang “night-night” songs: “Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me, bless thy little lamb tonight; through the darkness be thou near me. Keep me safe til morning’s light” and “Father, we thank Thee for the night, and for the pleasant morning light; for rest and peace and loving care, and all that makes the world so fair.”
All of us know about “counting sheep” and when that doesn’t help, to have a talk with the “shepherd.“ A friend in a former congregation had this to say about sleeping: “I lay all of my troubles on the night table, and I ask God to watch over everything, because I just have to get some sleep….and He does and I do.”
This prayer blesses our sleep: ( from To Bless the Space Between Us. by John O’Donohue)
“Before Sleep”
As I lay down to sleep,
May the guardian angel Watch over me,
Coaxing all my cares
To unravel into peace.
As darkness within
Is wed to darkness without, Freed from the weight of light,
Let my eyes sleep,
Relieved of all intensities.
Let my imagination
Trawl the compressed seas
To bless the dawn
With a generous catch
Of luminous dream
May this new night of rest
Repair the wear of time
And restore youth of heart
For the adventure
That awaits tomorrow.
May God bless us with rest and peace this night.