Streams of Mercy
A dear friend from my first congregation is dying. She went to the ER with what she thought was a gall bladder attack, only to discover she has stage four pancreatic cancer, and has very little time. She was a strong and supportive Elder, a wonderful musician, ( her piano organ duet “Fairest Lord Jesus” was always my favorite!) the director of Hospice, where I served as Chaplain, and my very special friend in that season of my life. Being the daughter of a Presbyterian minister gave her great insights to help this fledgling pastor along the way!
We served on Presbyterian Pilgrimage teams together and loved and encouraged each other on life’s journey. I well remember the day I was visiting with her parents in their little apartment and they told me their daughter was moving to be near them. They hoped we would become friends. Little did I know how important that friendship would be in my life.
My prayer for her comes from John O’Donohue’s book, To Bless the Spaces Between Us.
For the Dying
May death come gently toward you,
Leaving you time to make your way
Through the cold embrace of fear
To the place of inner tranquility.
May death arrive only after a long life
To find you at home among your own
With every comfort and care you require
May your leave-taking be gracious,
Enabling you to hold dignity
Through awkwardness and illness.
May you see the reflection
Of your life’s kindness and beauty
In all the tears that fall for you.
As your eyes focus on each face,
May your soul take its imprint.
Drawing each image within
As companions for the journey.
May you find for each one you love
A different locket of jeweled words
To be worn around the heart
To warm your absence.
May someone who knows and loves
The complex village of your heart
Be there to echo you back to yourself
And create a sure word raft
To carry you to the further shore.
May your spirit feel
The surge of true delight
When the veil of the visible
Is raised, and you glimpse again
The living faces
Of departed family and friends.
May there be some beautiful surprise
Waiting for you inside death.
Something you never knew or felt,
Which with one simple touch
Absolves you of all loneliness and loss,
As you quicken within the embrace
For which your soul was eternally made.
May your heart be speechless
At the sight of the truth
Of all belief had hoped,
Your heart breathless
In the light and lightness
When earth and everything
Is at last its true self
Within that serene belonging
That dwells beside us
On the other side
Of what we are.
God bless you dear friend. So thankful our paths crossed on life’s journey.
“Pastor Elizabeth”