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Streams of Mercy

Yesterday was the third Sunday of Advent, and we lit the pink Candle of Joy on the Advent Wreath. This year grandparents and their grandchildren are doing the lighting. Yesterday’s grandmother whispered phrases to her two young grandchildren and they spoke out loud and clear. Such a blessing to hear those familiar words come from the children!

On this Sunday we always revisit Mary’s “song of rejoicing,” singing of a time when the powerful will be brought down and the lowly lifted up, the hungry filled and the rich sent away empty; the time when God will bring about changes that set things right in all of life.

It seems the gap between the haves and the have nots and the things that separate us from each other and from God’s best for our lives grows wider during Advent and Christmas than any other time of year. Perhaps it’s because for a season we get a glimpse of the way things could be, and for a time our actions are those of the people we should be.

A young woman from another community has been coming to worship with us from time to time in recent months. She always listens carefully and shares what she’s heard and speaks of how helpful being with us is in this season of her life.

“Mary’s Song” was new to her, it seems, and as she thought about it all she wrote a note to our church family – a beautiful Christmas gift to be shared.

“You and your church have opened my eyes and my heart back to what is joyful and meaningful in life, and helped me to remember to seek his will, and remember that it is my pleasure to serve him. God bless.”

She wrote this poem: “Merry Christmas, Santa”

Santa when you come this year, I need no presents under the tree;

For the day is all about a babe born in a manger wee;

That was the only place they found, a place for him to belong;

I wonder if he ever knew the words to Mary’s song.

They wrapped him in swaddling clothes, our Savior lying there;

Soon to bring the message of salvation everywhere.

Did he wiggle? Did he squirm? Cause that’s what babies do.

Or did he know his purpose? To die for me and you?

So Santa, Merry Christmas, the elves and Mrs. Claus,

for my present is wrapped up in my heart, given by God to us all.

What a blessing for all concerned! We’re grateful our paths crossed on life’s journey, and pray God’s very best for her in this new season of her life.




How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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