Streams of Mercy
So much of life is a call to keep on keeping on. As we deal with any number of circumstances, in any number of ways, we keep on keeping on- on the job, in the church, in school, in our families and in our personal lives. As we face the living of these confusing and challenging times, we keep on keeping on.
At Homecoming, we celebrated that Spring Presbyterian Church understands what it means to keep on keeping on! True to its Scottish heritage, Jackson Springs Presbyterian Church has weathered hard times and adversity to continue its mission to serve the Lord and His people. From 1817 to 1917 to 2023, from building to building and pastor to pastor- Jackson Springs Presbyterian keeps on keeping on.
In yesterday’s gospel reading, Jesus tells the parable of the Wedding Feast…..and of the God of covenant faithfulness keeping on keeping on- calling, asking, encouraging, inviting, and when those invited fail to respond for first one reason and then another, others are invited to come find a place at the table.
In yesterday’s epistle reading, the Apostle Paul encourages the struggling Philippian Church to keep on keeping on.
Paul writes from prison to the church at Philippi, longing to be with the beloved community and to encourage them. “Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you,” Paul writes.
Paul’s words in Philippians 4 can encourage contemporary believers discouraged by seemingly endless everyday challenges and complexities.
When faced with life’s difficulties, or wearied by life’s struggles, believers can count on God’s nearness to us in Christ, the source of our joy.
Instead of worrying about anything, the Philippians are to bring everything to God. The “anythings” and “everythings” of life can be sources of endless worry or the subjects of prayer. Prayer being an opportunity to see difficult situations from another angle, and to open to the possibilities that come into view with God’s help.
Paul counsels those engaged in the communal task of following Jesus to worry about nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let their requests be known to God … Whatever is true and honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, and if there is anything worthy of praise. Think about these things. Keep on keeping on - doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, writes Paul, and the God of peace will be with you.
May God give us grace to keep on keeping on!