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Streams of Mercy

The beauty in the manse yard is such a gift this Monday morning. Last evening’s gentle rain left everything fresh and green! Dew sparkles on the blue hydrangeas and the leafy green ferns in the early morning sun. I see first one “tree full of angels” and then another and another – as sunlight shines through the branches.

Butterflies are visiting the butterfly bush, the squirrels are busy nibbling corn and the birds are chirping at the feeder, and hummingbirds have found their special spot. The baby deer will come late afternoon to feast on corn and apples. Foxes are nearby to take care of any leftovers. At dusk raccoons and possums venture out to see what they can see. The moon and stars come out and stand watch through the night.

Everything is growing. Everything is peaceful. The tall longleaf pines stand guard around the house, and fluffy white clouds dot blue skies. The church bells chime at their scheduled times, with hymn tunes that touch my soul and call up memories. Cars and trucks whiz by and a neighbor walking down the roadside calls out and waves. “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood!”

I’m reminded of Edna St. Vincent Millay’s poem, “God’s World” – O world I cannot hold you close enough.” It’s that kind day, and I give thanks!




How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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