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Streams of Mercy

I’ve graduated and turned a tassel four times through the years. The speaker at each graduation challenged us to go out and make a difference. High school graduation challenged us to “Climb Every Mountain.” (Yes, “The Sound of Music came out that year!), amid echoes of President John Kennedy’s call- “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”.

College graduation came amid marches and protests and the looming shadows of the continuing war in Vietnam. We were challenged to work for peace, to do work that would benefit all people. I considered serving with the Peace Corps at one time, but decided my calling was teaching in the mountains of southeastern Kentucky. Graduate school in Education encouraged us - “Bloom Where You Are Planted,” and I settled in to do just that!

Twenty year later, I found myself graduating from a Presbyterian seminary, having answered the call to ministry. That year’s graduation message was more open-ended: “Here I Am, Lord”. (Yes, “that hymn was written that year!) _ will go, Lord, where you lead me; I will hold your people in my heart” became the soundtrack for this season of my life.

I read this week that the Stated Clerk of the PC(USA)’s General Assembly, the Rev. Dr. J. Hebert Nelson, delivered the baccalaureate address at David & Elkins College in West Virginia, sending graduates on the road forward with a reminder to look back sometimes.

“You will turn a tassel today, Nelson told the graduates, “but that tassel doesn’t make everything right. What makes it right is endurance- knowing that we don’t walk alone … Take a bow and give thanks, because now there is another mission: the world needs you …the world you’re about to enter is in a mess! We’ve got a lot to do in this world in which we live! … The challenge of 21st century living is how do we learn how to respect the ‘otherness’ of the other, to love people? I am convinced it will take your generational culture to transform the world… “Go out and do the best you possibly can… Be famous if you have to , but be willing to give back … learn to take the best of what you have and share it, love and care for people and say thank you for what we have and be reminded that what we have comes from the Lord.” (from PCUSA’s News Service)

I have a great grandson graduating from pre-school and heading to kindergarten, and a granddaughter graduating from high school and heading to college. “Climb Every Mountain”, “Let There Be Peace on Earth, and Let It Begin with Me’; and “Here I Am, Lord” - a good soundtrack for their lives as well….and “Bloom Where’re You’re Planted” is what we must do to be all God wants us to be!

Congratulations to the Class of 2023 – from pre-school to graduate school. Be all God want you to be … and give thanks for those streams of mercy carrying you through this life and into the life to come!




How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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