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Streams of Mercy

I’ve always appreciated the way Guidepost publications encourage us to see all the ways Jesus “shows up” in daily life. In a recent e-mail, readers were encouraged to “pray away the winter with five winter prayers!”

The use of the word “glorious” in each prayer comes from the opening lines of Richard III, a play by William Shakespeare. “Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of York.” In other words, now that his brother was king, winter’s discontent had given way to spring’s sunshine! It’s a happy beginning to a play that quickly turns tragic!

Prayer for Winter Illness

Lord, turn the winter of my discomfort into a glorious summer of health and vitality.

Winter Prayer for Financial Stress

God, grant that this winter of deficit and debt may become a glorious summer of recovery and generosity.

Winter Prayer for Grief

Father, let this winter of loss and pain become glorious summer by the way You heal our hearts and restore our hope.

Prayer for Winter Weather

God, thank you that this winter of slush and snow will soon give way to another glorious spring and summer of sun and surf.

Prayer for the Winter Blues

When overcast skies or inclement weather get you down, it helps to honestly express the not-so-pleasant, wintry elements of your experience while envisioning a better, warmer future ahead. Pray this and fill in the blanks with things that currently give you anxiety and things that you are looking forward to this summer:

Now let the winter of __________be made glorious summer by _________.

Thanks to our friends at Guideposts for these suggestions for prayer during the winter months.




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