Streams of Mercy
Every Christmas season, there are movies that must be watched as part of the journey. My all-time favorite is “It’s a Wonderful Life.”
Each time I watch it, I reflect on the difference one life can make – my life in particular. What would not be here if I had not lived my life, and what is here because of my having been here? I never really find answers to my questions, only a time of reflecting on possibilities.
Perhaps another perspective is necessary to see one’s life clearly. Perhaps we really never can know the difference we make, for better or for worse…unless an “angel Clarence” helps us see clearly.
I also look forward to seeing “Miracle on 34th Street” both the old and new versions. The verdict of the judge always lifts my spirits and gives me hope that “things unseen” can be seen if viewed in new perspective. The Grinch is another favorite – especially when his heart grows “three sizes” that day!
There are lessons, too, to be learned from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and Elf, for those with eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to understand.
I discovered a new movie this year, “Silent Night,” the story of young man struggling to decide between his call to ministry and his love of music. He chooses to answer his call to ministry, and we see as the story unfolds how his music reaches out to people in the tavern, and from the highways and byways of life. While he fails to find favor with the head pastor of the church and the staff musician, at the story’s end, he’s playing guitar and singing “Silent Night” by candlelight, with his followers in the sanctuary.
A surprise blessing! Apparently, I was misspelling “byways” so I looked it up and came across this old hymn that has become the prayer of my heart this week after Christmas:
“Out on the Highways and Byways of Life”
Out in the highways and byways of life, Many are weary and sad; Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife, Making the sorrowing glad. Make me a blessing, make me a blessing, Out of my life may Jesus shine; Make me a blessing, O Savior, I pray, Make me a blessing to someone today.
Praying that we become blessings to one another in this new year!