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Streams of Mercy

It’s been said that “people come into our life for a reason, or a season, or a lifetime.” A very special person from another season of ministry made his journey home at the age of 96. We were special friends during the fifteen years we were together as pastor and people. His daughter wrote: “the better parts of me were born out of simply being his daughter.” I believe that all who knew him as a friend could say much the same – that he called “better parts” out of all he knew, simply by being himself.

He spent many, many years caring for loved ones – a beloved wife with dementia, and a beloved son with Cerebral Palsy. Never once did he complain. He spent every day being the best husband, father and friend that he could be, and with that he said he was “well satisfied.” He never looked for more; he never asked for anything different. I’m reminded of Paul words: “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances…..I can do all things through him who gives me strength.”(Philippians 4:11)

One of the last of The Greatest Generation, he was humble and honorable – a man of strong character and integrity. He was good to his word and “could sign a deal with a handshake.” He was one of a kind; “tough and tender, sweet and stubborn.” A visit to his store was like stepping back in time and visiting a general store in Mayberry. Many of his buddies have taken a tenure of employment there after their retirements. There was always lots of conversation and staring out the front window watching the cars drive by. At 96 years old, he still opened his store promptly at 8 am each morning until that day last week when he was taken to the hospital after suffering a stroke.

I’m grateful for the years of love and friendship shared, and thankful for those “better parts” he called out of me, as pastor and friend. Peace and love, my friend, peace and love.




How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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