Streams of Mercy
Jill Duffield, editor of The Presbyterian Outlook, offers this meaningful prayer for election week:
“Lord of all, Lord of conscience, Lord of love, we lament the state of our life together. We sow division rather than seek unity. We demonize instead of love one another. How did we get to this place? How will we ever bridge the gaps between us? Where do we go from here?
We know, gracious God, that we cannot mend all the torn places in the fabric of our country. The rips are too big, the ongoing pulling apart too strong. We know, too, almighty God, that nothing is impossible for you. You bring close those far off from you and those far apart from each other. You promise to do abundantly more than we can ever hope or imagine. You call us to bold ministries of repair and reconciliation, justice and mercy. You command us to love our neighbors, love our enemies, love in ways inexplicably and immeasurably powerful through your Spirit.
As we vote and wait, pray and work, may we follow Jesus Christ so closely that we cannot help but see him everywhere and in all people. Pour out your power, show us your way, turn us toward you and heal our nation. In Christ’s name we pray, amen.”
Giving thanks for Duffield’s prayer, and praying for the future of our nation and our world.