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Streams of Mercy

In these final weeks before our national election, I’ve come across a helpful article by Tammy Warren in Presbyterians Today: “Golden Rule 2020: A Call for Dignity and Respect in Politics.” We’ve heard it all our lives: “In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Matt 17:12) The “Golden Rule” is a call for just living that can be found in all cultures and religions. A website – goldenrule/ –quotes Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, director of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness, as saying: “It is our hope that Golden Rule 2020 will enable people of faith around the world to apply tolerance, love and acceptance in our political engagements.“

All of this gives me hope! I’m saddened each day to watch the political news, because of specific events taking place and how people on different sides of issues talk past each other, using angry, inflammatory rhetoric and spreading mis-information. We will never be able to solve our common problems if people of different political views are filled with anger and contempt for each other. “The message of Golden Rule 2020 gives us a way out. If we follow the Golden Rule and treat our political opponents with more dignity and respect, then we can begin to de-escalate the hostility and look for ways to work together. Reviving civility will “take a village” …We have so much to offer when we stand for that which is greater than ourselves: the love of God within.” (Theo Brown, Presbyterians Today, Sept -Oct)

The leaders who created Golden Rule 2020; A Call for Dignity and Respect in Politics make this statement: ”We believe that churches have an important role to play in helping to heal America ... “We hope and pray that local congregations will be active in efforts to increase understanding and bridge divisions in our country.” (Theo Brown, Presbyterians Today, Sept-Oct)

The group offers this special prayer in these days preceding our national election.

A Golden Rule Prayer

We come together today to pray for our country

and also for ourselves. We are thankful for the blessing

of living in the United States, but increasingly fearful for our future,

because of the enmity and bitterness we see between our fellow citizens.

Help us to be more mindful of your teachings and to act in love to help heal

the deep divisions in our country. We pray that you will keep us mindful

of your great command to “treat others as we want to be treated” and that you

will help us find ways to apply that principle in our daily lives.

We believe that your way of love and kindness can transform our country

and ask your assistance as we seek to show that love to others-

especially those who hold views very different than our own. Amen.

Giving thanks for those who value and work to strengthen community, and respect differences of opinion; those who build bridges and seek understanding… and for those streams of mercy leading us through these difficult days into all that is to come, as God works in all things for good.


How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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