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Streams of Mercy

There are so many things written to encourage us these days. Last week I read this article by Nikki Collins, the coordinator for 1001 New Worshiping Communities, and want to share her thoughts with you.

God Makes All Things New – Even in a Pandemic

“The past few months have been this odd dance of ever-changing realities and downright monotony. We have completely shifted how we live. From shopping to Sunday school, nothing is the same. All the while, this new way of living has meant staring at the same walls, the same Zoom screen and the same people day after day. Waking up to wonder what crazy thing happened while I slept, while at the same time realizing that today’s schedule will essentially look like yesterday’s … How do you plan when you can’t predict? Where do you find the stuff to fashion a future when the contents of your current toolbox have little relevance for realities at hand.

In June, after months of sheltering in place, I drove to Montreat Conference Center in North Carolina. With no conferences scheduled and most folks still staying at home, Montreat was as quiet as I’ve ever seen it. Still, walking the paths, hiking the trails and dipping my feet in the cool stream took me to the formative years of my faith as a participant in many of the summer youth conferences. Along with the gurgle of the creek, I heard the refrain often sung at one of those conferences, a tune from the Iona Community, written by John Bell: ‘Behold! Behold! I make all things new, beginning with you and starting from today. Behold! Behold! I make all things new, my promise is true, for I am Christ the Way.’

Bell’s simple refrain points us to two texts in the New Testament. These texts find their way into our Presbyterian worship, showing up in the comforting words of the Assurance of Pardon and being spoken to grieving hearts in our Services of Witness to the Resurrection. In the pardon, when we have told the truth about who we are and how we’ve failed, we hear from Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. The old life has gone, and a new life has already begun.” We can’t see it yet, but the promise is that something new has already been born. When we stand beside the grave of someone we love, we hear God’s words promising to be with us in a new way, wiping away tears, abolishing death and pain, saying, ‘See, I am making all things new … write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.’ (Revelation 21:5)

When we are broken, tired and wondering how to begin again – or if we even want to – the Creator is urging us on, lifting our gaze, promising us more than we can imagine fashioned from this very moment, these very circumstances, our very lives. ‘Behold! Behold! I make all things new!’ … It’s funny how figuring out the way forward takes us back to ancient words – ancient words that are trustworthy and true. Ancient words that continue teaching us.”

As one who has been blessed again and again by time spent wandering the forest paths of Montreat and dipping my feet in the cool mountain streams, it’s good to be reminded of God’s promises heard in that special place. I’m grateful to folks who share from their life experiences in ways that help others find a way forward. I’m grateful to remember John Bell’s chorus – it’s the song of my heart today:

“Behold! Behold! I make all things new, beginning with you and starting from today. Behold! Behold! I make all things new, my promise is true, for I am Christ the Way.”


How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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