Streams of Mercy
As we enter into our fourth month this “new normal” I find I’m still struggling with how to be a pastor in such a time. The biggest challenge for me in maintaining relationships in times of social distancing. There are so few opportunities to be together, and when we are together, we’re anxious to be on our way as soon as possible. I’m trying to find a way to be connected as we navigate these strange days.
A recent article in the “Presbyterian Outlook” has been helpful. It’s not the Sunday School classes or committee and session meetings, or even worship each Lord’s Day that makes us church. It’s maintaining Christ-centered relationships with God and each other that keeps us “one in the Spirit”. I’ve found two key words most helpful: REACH and KISS.
REACH: Reach out to your own generation – get their perspective about how you’re feeling and coping. Reach down to those younger than you- ask them how they’re feeling; don’t advise, just listen well. Reach up to those who are older than you – ask them to share stories of any other major historical crisis they’ve experienced. It’s important for all of us to acknowledge and share what we’re going through. We’ll grow stronger in relationships as we do.
KISS – “keep it Super Simple” At 72 years of age, I lack knowledge of the newest technology! I appreciate the skills of younger folks who come to my aid, and am grateful for the cyber-relationships in place. E-mail devotions, a weekly JSPC Facebook page service and session conference calls help us keep in touch. A weak internet signal here in our neck of the woods limits even these means of keeping in touch. Folks are calling and texting and e-mailing! I read early on in this season of our common life, “When you can’t do what you do, do what you can.” This has proved helpful to me, in moments when I feel the need to replace everything we were doing in ministry before with something online – something I have no idea how to do!
Yesterday, we took our Summer Sunday School quarterlies to work on at home, and our Summer Sabbath was marked with a treat bag prepared by our Witness Committee and a basket of fresh summer peaches to share. We talked about “offering the little ones a cup of cold water.” May that guide us as we make our way through this “new normal” in our corner of God’s kingdom.
I enjoy thinking about words and their meanings. Among many synonyms for the word REACH, I found “extend to” and “to get through” – that’s what we’re doing! We’re trying “to get through” all that is going on, extending to each other encouragement and hope along the way. A KISS is a “loving touch” – we can do that, too, as we “keep it super simple”, sharing those “cups of cold water” with one another day by day.
Giving thanks for words and thoughts to share and for those streams of mercy, never ceasing, carrying us through these uncertain days into all that lies ahead.