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Streams of Mercy

One of the blessings of these days apart, has been the joy of visiting with congregations in the community and in other places, by way of the internet. Yesterday a minister in another community began with John 10:10: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” He encouraged those listening to keep on loving the Lord and to pay attention to their neighbors and work to build relationships with them. He cautioned that we must not let ourselves be pulled into the hatred around us; we must walk in love.

He shared encouraging words of Rev. Martin Luther King: “We must use time creatively, knowing the time is always right to do the right thing ... We may have come to this country on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now…The quality, not the longevity of one’s life is important … Hate can’t drive out hate, only love can do that; darkness can’t drive out darkness, only light can do that.”

“Where do we get that kind of light and that kind of love?” the minister asked. He went on to say that we get that kind of light and love from God, and God can redeem everything that is happening in this world. He told the story of Joseph, and showed how God took what his brothers meant for harm and used it for good in Joseph’s life and in the lives of many others.

In one of the large groups protesting, I saw woman, who looked a lot like me, carrying a sign saying: “I understand that I don’t understand, but I stand with you.” I’m proud of her for being there! Quoting King again, “If you can’t fly, then run; if you can’t run, then walk; if you can’t walk, then crawl – whatever it takes to keep moving forward!”

With God’s help, let us find ways to be light and love for each other and ways to stand with each other, as we keep moving forward – together!


How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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