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Streams of Mercy

A group of women from the Jackson Springs Presbyterian Church enjoyed several days together at Oak Island Beach. Going on a retreat together is a wonderful way to draw closer to God and to each other. As we lived together in community, walked the beach, enjoyed local seafood and a little shopping, and worshipped and shared together, we grew in our understanding of God’s love for us, and our love for one another.

Our journey together included “stopping by the well” with the Samaritan woman, and over-hearing Jesus’ conversation with her; stopping by the synagogue where Jesus was teaching, and seeing him heal the “woman bent double”; stopping with Jesus in the push and shove of the crowd, and seeing the woman touch the “hem of his garment;” and stopping by the house of Mary and Martha, and being encouraged by Jesus to “choose the better part.” As we reflected upon our place in each of the stories, we came to see ourselves and each other in new ways. As we explored the stories, we recognized our need to “stop by the well” for conversations with Jesus; we discussed all the ways we are broken and “bent double” and in need of Jesus’ healing touch; we talked about ways we are losing strength from day to day because of burdens we carry; we learned about how important it is to “choose the better part,” that we might experience the abundant life Jesus came to give us.

In addition to scriptures, we also considered “gift from the sea” in difference poems and stories. The Starfish Story told of a little boy picking up starfish stranded on the beach after the tide had gone back out, and tossing them back into the water. There were so many of them! A man walking by told the little boy that what he was doing “didn’t matter,” because there were so many he couldn’t save them all. When the little boy replied, “It matters to this one,” as he tossed a starfish out into the water, we got the message that each of us “matters” to God. As we read Psalm 139, we remembered all the “even theres” of this life, where God’s hand led us and held us fast. As we read “Footprints in the Sand,” we remembered those “one set of footprints” moments in our journeys of life and faith, where God had carried us through.

A change of pace and place brings special blessings! Giving thanks for those blessings we shared in our days together at Oak Island Beach, and for those streams of mercy, never ceasing!


How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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