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Streams of Mercy

In doing a little Monday morning reading, I came across something new and helpful: “Spiritual Practices in Crossing Boundaries.” In a day when we must be about crossing boundaries in grace-filled ways, I found these suggestions very helpful and encouraging. (Taken from Horizons Magazine, Nov-Dec 2018, Celebrating the Gifts of Women Service, by Jana Childers.)

Suggestion #1- “Keep in touch with several people who disagree with you on significant issues. Read a book every few months, written from a world view that diverges from your own.”

Suggestion #2- “Build skills that stretch your ability to hold two things in tension. One woman, for example, practiced cross-handed piano playing, playing the treble clef with her left hand and the bass with her right, because, she said, “it makes you open minded.” Some people arrange their seating in church or in choir so that as they sing God’s praises, they will be sure to be standing next to someone with whom they know they disagree.”

Suggestion #3- “Adopt a mantre that help you stay patient during disagreement.” One pastor experimented for a year saying, “Of course they may be right,” after every story about her critics.”

I once worked with a pastor who would state his opinions and beliefs as clearly as he could, then sit back, cross his arms across his chest and say, with a smile, “But I could be wrong.” I always appreciated this and have remembered it throughout my ministry. He stated his beliefs and then by his actions, welcomed those who believed differently to have their say!

Suggestion #4- “Increase your ‘attenuation.’ Although many factors contribute to an earthquake’s effect, ground that has sustained a number of quakes often makes for better attenuation – the intensity of the movement as it makes its way through the ground decreases at a better rate. This may be due to the fact that the ground is more broken up. Spiritual hardness, whether it is associated with pride or fear or another ego-related issue, makes it harder to do the grace-filled work of crossing boundaries. Being broken up can make all the difference in absorbing the energy of the differences or conflicts associated with those tasks."

The Prayer of Confession touched my heart:

Gracious God, you know us better than we know ourselves.

Find in us, we pray, the pockets of resistance and patches of coldness

that keep us closed to your movement among us.

Root them out and open us that we may be agents of your grace and channels of your love. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Giving thanks for fresh new thoughts and words of grace to help us find our way through these days, and for those streams of mercy, never ceasing.


How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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