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Streams of Mercy

“When does a story truly begin? In life, there are seldom clear-cut beginnings, those moments when we can, in looking back, say that everything started. Yet there are moments when fate intersects with our daily lives, setting in motion a sequence of events whose outcome we could never have foreseen.” (from A Bend in the Road, by Nicholas Sparks)

As we live our lives, there are many “bends in the road,” that stop us in our tracks or turn us in new directions. As one door closes, others open; when all that has been is no longer, there’s always something new; in every ending, there’s the possibility of a new beginning. As I reflect on my journey of life and faith, those “bends in the road” come again and again – bringing unexpected or necessary endings, points of turning in another direction, and a renewed sense of purpose and meaning in life.

While I like the quote from A Bend in the Road, this phrase is troubling to me – “When fate intersects in our daily lives…” I’ve always let the words of Romans 8:28 help me to deal with each “bend in the road” of my life - “God works in all things for good for those who love the Lord.” When things happen, I try to reassure myself that God is working in this circumstance or that one, for good, even if it doesn’t seem so at the moment. Reminding myself of this truth helps me to regain my perspective and keep my footing on the slippery slopes of some seasons of life.

I find that the story of my life has many beginnings and endings and beginnings again, and that God has been working in all experiences that have come my way, tucking bits and pieces of my experience back into the fabric of my life in new and healing ways. While I wouldn’t choose to re-live some chapters of my journey, I see each chapter as a part of the ongoing work of God’s grace in the book of my life.

So many times we lose our perspective when we face a “bend in the road”; lose sight of the truth that God is with us, and we forget God’s promise to “work in all things for good.” Whatever circumstances we are facing, whatever “bend in the road” lies before us, let us remember that is God is working in all things for good, and that we are safe in God’s care and keeping.

Giving thanks for the “remembered goodness” of God in every season of life, and for those streams of mercy, never ceasing.


How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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