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Streams of Mercy

We’re standing on the threshold of the season of Lent, that period of 40 days preceding Easter. As we move through these forty days, we are reminded that we’re on a journey – a journey through the wilderness to the cross.

It’s been said Lent is “a time to take the time…” Lent is a time to reflect on the life of Jesus and to reflect on our own lives; a time to go out into the wilderness and listen for the voice of God. As a people, we are busy and over-committed, weary and anxious, fearful and wandering. While slowing down and clearing a space for reflection is what we need to do, for most of us, it’s the last thing we would think about doing!

What kind of message are we sharing as we live from day to day? If we knew our days were numbered, what changes would we make? If we had the opportunity to say just one more thing to those we love, what would we say? What is it about ourselves that we would like to change or learn to accept, with God’s help?

During these 40 days, let’s make time for Bible study and prayer in our personal devotions. Let’s come have a bowl of soup and a sandwich with our church family and be a part of this year’s Lenten Study – “Meeting Jesus.” If Sunday School or singing in the choir is not a habit, let’s give it a try during the Lenten season. Let’s write those notes of encouragement and appreciation, and make those phone calls and visits we’ve intended to make. Take a casserole to someone, or ask someone out to lunch; bring extra food for Matthew 25:40 and take more cans of food to the Food Bank. Give to the One Great Hour of Sharing.

With Ash Wednesday only a few days away, Ann Weems poem by that name has much to say to us:

“Ash Wednesday,

and we are on our way

to Your Way. O Lamb of God,

have mercy upon us and

keep us from all the smallness of our lives

that would take precedence over

kneeling in Jerusalem.”

May each of us take time to make the journey and listen for God during this Lenten season. May we hear afresh the voice of God, see more clearly the need around us, and discover the persons God created us to be.

“Traveling mercies. Love the journey. God goes with you. Come home safe and sound.”

(from Traveling Mercies, by Ann Lamott)


How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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