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Streams of Mercy

Yesterday was “Celebrating the Gifts of Women,” a special service led by Presbyterian women each year. This year’s theme was “Touched By the Master’s Hand,” and we were reminded of God’s hand upon our lives, shaping and reshaping, polishing, tuning and helping us to become all we were created to be.

We were challenged first to remember the importance of touch in Jesus ministry - restoring sight to the blind, healing the crippled, raising the dead, calming stormy seas, multiplying loaves and fish. We were reminded that our hands are now the hands of Christ on this earth, and that we are to touch this world with God’s love – comforting those who are troubled, helping another carry a burden, showing the way, performing loving acts of service in all areas of need. We were encouraged to remember that we’re not alone, for God is always with us bless our efforts with a “touch of the Master’s hands.”

“Whenever your life is out of tune

And no melody soothes your soul,

Look to the Master whose gentle touch

Will bless you and make you whole.

Like an old violin with so little worth,

A life may be far less than grand.

But may be transformed in a moment you see,

By the touch of The Master’s Hand.”

Giving thanks for touches of the Master’s Hand again and again on life’s journey,


How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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