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Streams of Mercy

“Regardless of the outcome of the political transitions in the United States, the world will remain awash in crises of every sort, with economic sanctions and other threats thrown from leader to leader; with buildup of military arsenals; with people around the world suffering from diseases, disasters and deprivation,” writes Vernon Broyles, a volunteer for public witness in the PC(USA)’s Office of the General Assembly. (Presbyterians Today, Nov-Dec 2018)

He poses several questions I’m continuing to ponder from day to day:

  • “Is this ‘nation under God, with liberty and justice for all’ still a viable home for those who cannot afford to eat three meals a day; cannot afford a roof over their heads; cannot ameliorate the medical challenges they face; and who work but cannot survive on the wages they receive?”

  • “And what about our faith communities? Is the Roman Catholic leadership so damaged that those leaders cannot lead? Has Protestant influence become a shadow of itself that is deemed irrelevant in the political world?”

  • “Have American citizens become so bereft of moral guidance that they care little about the morality of leadership as long as the Dow climbs?”

“For those of us who claim to follow Jesus Christ, this is precisely the time in which our faith must lead us into prayer and action. We must plan together with denominational, ecumenical and interfaith partners to work for a vision of unity among our shattered humanity, relying on our faith in the God who made us all and who has given us the promise of a new future … As we enter the season of Advent, we remember that before us stands the figure of the One who has come that we may have life abundant. If God’s promise is real, now is the time to claim it and to work in hope for a future that is shaped by God’s Spirit. We are, after all, a community of hope, witnessing to the world in love and expectation of a brighter future for all of God’s children.”

May these thoughts be a part of this year’s Advent journey. I give thanks for these words and these questions, for the hope they hold for us, and for streams of mercy, never ceasing.


How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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