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Streams of Mercy

It was my joy to go the Fifth Grade Graduation of one of our children this last Thursday. Having taught elementary school for more than a decade earlier in my life, I enjoy being reminded of the blessing of those years.

“Young men” in their khakis and navy blazers, with the tell-tale clip on tie, as they walk with a shuffle in brand new shoes back and forth to receive awards and, at last, that all important certificate of graduation! Others sported new shirts, polos and shirts with buttoned down collars - usually tucked in, and shorts with a belt! “Young ladies” shedding shorts and jeans for a day, so lovely in springs dresses, carefully making their way back and forth in their first platform shoes, or heels, their hair beautifully arranged for this special day. For the most part, all were “dressed for success.” I whispered a prayer in my heart for each one as they passed by.

The chorus sang of the future unfolding just for them, and of how together they’d find their way to that new day. As I listened to their song of hope and celebration, and my eyes scanned the group, I was reminded of the words of Dr. Seuss – “Oh, the places you’ll go!”

Most special to me was the diversity of the student body in this school. There’s a wonderful blend of different races, a mixing of rich and varied cultures, and a beautiful array of smiling and hopeful faces that have made this journey together. It was special to see the dvd presentation of their journey through elementary school together. And today they were celebrating- mothers holding babies in their arms and hanging on to toddlers; fathers who’d gotten off work just long enough to slip in and out- some mothers who’d done the same; grandparents beaming with pride; and one (maybe more!) pastor there, to celebrate the special day!

“Graduation is a Celebration– a time for looking back on lessons learned, adventures shared, bright moments filled with special meaning.

Graduation is a Farewell – a time for saying goodbye to old friends, to good times you’ve known…a time for packing away memories, treasures for tomorrow.

Graduation is a Beginning – a time for looking forward, a time to set new goals, to dream new dreams, to try your wings and see what lies beyond.”

God bless your journey, Fifth Grade Class of 2018! We’re counting on you!


How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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