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Streams of Mercy

Last Friday evening was Relay for Life, and the Jackson Springs Presbyterian team braved the stormy weather to participate in this year’s event. How good it was to celebrate our survivors and to remember with love those who fought the good fight, but didn’t win the battle against cancer. Together we work and pray for the day when there will be no more victims of this dread disease!

Opening Prayer for Relay for Life

“Great and Loving God, in whom we live and move and have our being, we give thanks and praise for the gift of life that you give each of us. Every heartbeat, every breath we take, every moment of life we enjoy, is an ongoing, gracious gift from you. Help us to live not with a sense of entitlement, but with a sense of gratitude, never taking for granted this good gift of life, but instead using it to love, serve, comfort, heal, and encourage others. May all the money raised here tonight be used to that good end. Bless these many volunteers. Keep them strong and healthy as they walk for others. Bless those cancer survivors who are with us this evening, whose own battle against this terrible disease inspires us. Give them continued health. Even as we celebrate their victories, our hearts are heavy as we remember loved ones who didn’t win that fight. Comfort, encourage, and strengthen everyone who grieves this day. Give us the faith to see that in you death, suffering, and evil do not have the final word. Love has the final word. For the sake of this love we are here. For the sake of this love, we will walk. And for the sake of this love we will work – until this disease can no longer claim another victim. With hearts filled with hope, we pray for the coming of that day. Amen.”

As we participate in this event from year to year, we are making an important contribution to cancer research, and we are able to encourage and help each other along the way. Giving thanks for opportunities to serve, and for those streams of mercy, never ceasing-


How Great Thou Art - Carillon Bells
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